Sunday, March 3, 2013

Anna Karenina (2012) costumes

As you might know the movie "Anna Karenina" has won the Oscar for Best Achievement in Costume Design.Designer of costumes was Jacqueline Durran.
I hope my post isn't late one, I watched the following movie few days ago, and I was amazed by the beauty of the movie and costumes. I think movie totally deserved that award. If you haven't watched the movie yet, I recommend to watch it. I hope the photos won't spoil you movie (of course if you haven't watched it yet). I liked the movie it was really beautiful artwork,and as a fashion blogger I was really pleased to see such elegant costumes. The costumes were made in Russian traditional and European style, so they were pretty realistic. Accent of the dresses were on fur, lace and silk. The costumes made for male actors were also  very elegant. If you scroll down you'll see some of the costumes shown in the movie.

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