Monday, February 11, 2013

Fashionable Cupcakes

People used to say that almost anything has it's fashion. So are our favorite Cakes/Cupcakes. Some of them are so cute, stylish and nice, that it's pity to eat them :/. Somehow it's paradoxical Fashionista shouldn't eat sweets, which have lot of calories, and these cupcakes and cakes are devoted to fashion. We shouldn't forget that one part of being fashionista is to keep fit.I think that they(cupcakes) are small on purpose, So fashionista can eat one little cupcake and then run couple Kilometers.
I think those cupcakes are awesome :) check them out.I think they are really nice :)

This one doesn't look like cake It's my favorite^^

Even Blake Makes Cupcakes, I love this photo
 I hope you liked post :)

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